My Diary in English
Last Thursday finally I came back to Japan!
Very long long trip and tired tired road.
Last visit country was the USA, I mostly run out my energy.
I suppose my English was totally broken out because I found it at second welcome dinner time talk I could not speak in English even though I tried to.
One my challenge is all meeting in overseas spoken in English.
My boss who attended me naturally thinks his meeting was translated in Japanese to English by Japanese staff but I don't think so.
If the venue is spoken in some language it is natural to be held in the language which is spoken there even its in Japanese subsidiaries.
Furthermore my boss misunderstand himself.
He is very capable but that ability was generated by his high job skill not by his English.
So he can manage his job but if he teach his skill to some person who is good at English, I can predict that results better.
Although he thinks his english skill is very high.
He can't recognize his own real ability in English and that leads an miscommunication with local staff.
Some time he points my mistakes in English but he can't understand that difference is very small.
That kind of implication works between English natives but not important between foreigners and natives.
Now my diary is too long now so I finish with lovely rose picture.

Very long long trip and tired tired road.
Last visit country was the USA, I mostly run out my energy.
I suppose my English was totally broken out because I found it at second welcome dinner time talk I could not speak in English even though I tried to.
One my challenge is all meeting in overseas spoken in English.
My boss who attended me naturally thinks his meeting was translated in Japanese to English by Japanese staff but I don't think so.
If the venue is spoken in some language it is natural to be held in the language which is spoken there even its in Japanese subsidiaries.
Furthermore my boss misunderstand himself.
He is very capable but that ability was generated by his high job skill not by his English.
So he can manage his job but if he teach his skill to some person who is good at English, I can predict that results better.
Although he thinks his english skill is very high.
He can't recognize his own real ability in English and that leads an miscommunication with local staff.
Some time he points my mistakes in English but he can't understand that difference is very small.
That kind of implication works between English natives but not important between foreigners and natives.
Now my diary is too long now so I finish with lovely rose picture.