My Diary in English
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I finished to send needed documents to my group companies. No one can check my details of documents (because they can't understand English even they get more superior salary than me) and this is my first real original work of my group so I would dearly look for person who can check my documents with no stress.
My now boss have an enormous difficulties to understand English documents. But he doesn't study English so it's natural that he can't read English documents.
I can't help him with any matters and ways.
I hope he decided to learn English again like his school days.
My business travel to come on May so even my tough heart is tingled by unexpected events. That's how I introduce local staff.
I have connected with our subsidiary internal control staff even with only e-mail, but directly communication is welcome for us but if you think it's not comfortable for them?
I tend to be side of our subsidiaries, but this time I awake it's illusion.
Today is the day, I received the nicest response from my boss!
The budget expense application was approved and I plan to go 2W more business trip around our subsidiaries in overseas.
Unfortunately I can't visit Thailand and China (included Hong Kong) but it's enough because I already visited Thailand at opening ceremony and China is very near from Japan so I have many chances to go there.
First concerned matter is I have to make my travel schedule by my own.
I have little experienced about internal control and account division so I worry about my ability of English skill in these area.
Though advance is only solution for the all problems.
If my skill is shortage at that time, I can get results from them and conclusion taken advanced steps.
But I prepare for my trip in my all effort now!
I'm frustrating recently!
Since this year's April, I have only been asked matters of miscellaneous or secretary.
These kind of work are not matching to my wish to move from previous division.
Recently I frequently think to change my company or my job.
Today my lower boss offer me other charge to leave these kind of boring jobs.
That suggestion is very fancy for me but I doubt that is passed my higher boss.
Because he is so selfish, I think he will blink that.
Last week I had big event to discuss our group company's budget.
Always we have that meeting in March, but this time their situation are very serious for extend to March reporting their budget for our parent company.
So we had meeting this time.
I had very stressed on that....
But I have to relax the oversees participants so I prepared presents for them because it was valentine's day in Japan.
I could hand them all I bought so I feeled to be very released.
I have to prepare our company's director's meeting document until next Monday.
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